Friday 26 May 2017

Junior School Councillors

Congratulations to this year's grade 1/2 JSC representatives. These children will give up lunchtimes, speak at assemblies, share news with their grades and make some very important decisions about who we help and how. Well done to you all!

Week 6 Awards

Congratulations everybody!

Bluearth Awards

Measuring Monty

Each of our 1/2 grades has thoroughly enjoyed their visits to Serendip and, back at school, we have completed plenty of follow up work. We have measured jumps, graphed data, written information reports and produced slideshows. Here are some children from 1/2P estimating how long they think Monty the black-headed python is, measuring their estimate, and then comparing this to his actual length. Suffice to say - he's a very long snake!

Monday 15 May 2017


Pak Rodd has been teaching us the names of body parts in Indonesian. Which ones do you know?

Reader Keys - I Can Read Like a Story Teller

Here are some photos of children doing Readers' Theatre in connection to our fluency Reading Key. They were reading 'Little Red Riding Hood' with wonderful expression. 

When you read to like a story teller, here's what you do:
* read fluently - make your reading sound like talking, not like a robot.
* read in phrases - read a few words together in a group, don't-read-one-word-at-a-time.
* notice punctuation - it gives clues about how to read, when to pause, when to take a breath, and what voice to use.
* use expression - use a super interesting voice that makes your story telling interesting for an audience to listen to.

Thursday 11 May 2017


We have been following up our visits to Serendip with some cool measurement activities. We've been measuring and comparing the lengths of lizards; Monty the snake; and lengths and heights of pademelon, wallaby and kangaroo jumps. Did you know that kangaroos can jump as high as they can far? Can you?


This week we were very fortunate to have Matt, a specialist Bluearth coach, come to school and work with our 1/2 grades. We focused on being our own umpires, not fussing and playing fairly. We stood like mountains and breathed deeply into our lungs. We learnt some new, fun games and discovered more about teamwork. Thanks, Mr Beck, for organising these fantastic sessions.

Awards (Weeks 3 and 4)


Students of the Week

